What products do you certify?
We currently accept applications for Certified Non-GMO by AGW livestock, crops, feed, seed and further processed products. However, we are continually expanding our certification scope to encompass more products, so please contact info@agreenerworld.org with any questions.
Do you charge any fees?
Yes, but we’re confident you’ll find our rates to be highly competitive compared to other credible Non-GMO certifications! Please contact AGW for a quote at info@agreenerworld.org.
If I raise livestock, do I need to be Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW?
Yes. If you are a livestock farmer and you want to use the Certified Non-GMO by AGW label on your meat, dairy products, fiber or eggs, your livestock must be Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW. Combining high-welfare, sustainable management and non-GMO verification is what makes our program unique in the marketplace.
Further processors, crop farms, feed producers and seed producers do not need to be Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW to use the Certified Non-GMO by AGW logo for their products. Get in touch if you have any questions.
Is this separate from the Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW audit?
The Certified Non-GMO by AGW program has its own standards that must be audited and verified on-site. But the good news is the Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW and Certified Non-GMO by AGW audits can usually take place on the same day, saving you time and money.
My farm is Certified Grassfed by AGW. Do I still need to be audited for non-GMO?
Yes, if you want to use both the Certified Grassfed by AGW and Certified Non-GMO by AGW logos. However, applications from Certified Grassfed by AGW farms are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Although you are feeding a 100% grass and forage diet, we may still need to check for any high-risk feeds and inputs, such as alfalfa, molasses and cottonseed meal.
Can I use your seal without being audited or inspected?
No. AGW logos can only be used by AGW-certified producers or processors on products that have been Certified by A Greener World and where permission to use the logo has been granted in writing. When considering labelling claims, it is important to research all local laws and regulations, as these may include specific rules or requirements about appropriate claims, as well as label design and content.
Can I make a non-GMO claim without being certified?
This will depend on your local labelling laws and regulations. In most countries, potentially misleading label claims concerning food or other products may be investigated by Trading Standards (UK) or the equivalent local government body. While some countries may allow food producers to make non-GMO claims without being certified, the nature of such claims is likely to be investigated and adequate evidence/justification may be sought.
Why does my feed need to be tested?
We set a maximum GMO contamination threshold to ensure consumer and retailer confidence that all products using our logo meet our rigorous standards. On this basis, we require farms to test moderate and high-risk feeds at specific intervals throughout the year. Your AGW auditor may also collect samples of moderate and high-risk feeds during the on-farm audit for spot testing.
I only feed organic feeds, do I still need to test?
In some cases, yes. This is because most Organic certifiers operating in North America do not routinely test products for the absence of GMOs. While we recognize that Certified Organic feeds carrying the NOP seal are generally non-GMO, the lack of routine testing by other certifiers means that we occasionally find Organic feeds containing well above our threshold of 0.9% GMO contamination . We therefore need to assess Certified Organic feeds on a case-by-case basis.
I only feed non-GMO feeds, do I still need to test?
Yes. As with some Certified Organic feeds, our routine testing procedures frequently identify certified Non-GMO feeds that exceed our threshold of 0.9% GMO contamination. However, testing is not required as frequently if high-risk inputs are accompanied by valid Non-GMO documentation.
Will you accept other Non-GMO certifications as equivalent?
We may grant equivalence for food ingredients that are Non-GMO Project Verified. These are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
How long does it take to become certified?
Certification may be granted in as little as eight weeks, but in some cases it can take several months, depending on testing requirements and supply chain review. For time-sensitive market considerations, we suggest you get in touch as soon as possible to discuss your plans in full confidence. We look forward to working with you!