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What Is “Regenerative”? 9 Reasons You Should Care

What is “Regenerative”? 9 Reasons You Should Care

Regenerative farming is our best hope for feeding ourselves without destroying the planet. But what does “regenerative” really mean? Here’s our definition—and 9 reasons why you should care about it.…

Synthetic Fertilizer

(Adopted from 7 CFR 205.2)  A substance that is formulated or manufactured by a chemical process or by a process that chemically changes a substance extracted from naturally occurring plant,…

Plant Protection Products

Substances, including pesticides, that protect crops or desirable or useful plants. They are primarily used in the agricultural sector but also in forestry, horticulture, amenity areas and in-home gardens. They…

Operational Separation

The AWA and non-AWA unit must function as a separate unit. Livestock must be identifiable on an individual basis. Equipment for forage production and moving livestock can be shared. Separation…

Financial Separation

Separate financial records must be kept for AWA and non-AWA livestock. These must be clear, distinct and enable the auditor to identify sales and invoices for the separate AWA and…

Physical Separation

The facility used for AWA animals must be distinct and separate from the non-AWA animals. There must not be a mosaic of pens, buildings and land used for AWA and…

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