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Sulpha drugs

A group of antibiotics that all contain sulpha.

Supernumerary teats

Teats that are additional to the usual number of teats found on a cow (4), sheep (2) or goat (2). Can sometimes produce milk but more often are not fully…

Thermal stress

Stress experienced when an animal is kept at temperatures higher or lower than it can comfortably tolerate.

Tie stall

An area where an animal is restrained for varying lengths of time.

Tipped horns

Removal of the very end of the horns of cattle and sheep, without cutting into the blood vessels or quick.

Two step weaning

A process for weaning calves in two stages where the first step keeps the calves with their mothers but stops them from suckling – although they can still graze and…

Vertical integration

The process in which several steps in the production and/or distribution of the animal production chain is controlled by a single company.

Wattle trimming

The trimming of the fleshy skin beneath the throat of some birds. This practice is prohibited under AGW standards.

Working group

Collaboration of stakeholders (i.e. farmers, consumers, etc) that works to research, advise on standards, and decide on actions to solve a problem or resolve an issue.

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