An assessment of current practice against a set of guidelines with the intent of instituting change where necessary.
An assessment of current practice against a set of guidelines with the intent of instituting change where necessary.
A specific product, crop variety or animal species as considered by the relevant A Greener World program standards.
The standard should be adhered to, however variations will be accepted as long as the goal of animal welfare is not jeopardized.
A trap for catching birds or animals comprised of a noose of wire, cord or other material.
Daytime starts within 2 hours of sunrise and ends at sunset.
Something is planned when there is an intention to carry out an action, and a decision about what steps will be taken to achieve this.
Guidance or advice that may be considered but is not required.
The individual or entity that owns the animals and products thereof.
A site where AGW animals are managed other than the main address listed for the farm whether owned or rented.
Describe or draw attention to a fact in a public forum. Advertising could be either spoken word or written.