Failing to meet the applicable AGW standards.
Failing to meet the applicable AGW standards.
Animals not originally found within the ecosystem of the United States and directly or indirectly spread by human activity.
Administering treatment (antibiotics) when animals or birds are not sick or injured for the purpose of promoting growth or overcoming disease challenges that are inherent in the system of management…
Cutting the ears of pigs, sheep or cattle to permanently identify them.
A group of synthetic chemicals mainly used as insecticides that has a detrimental impact on the nervous system.
A fenced/delineated unit of pasture as defined by the farmer.
Land covered with vegetation suitable for grazing or foraging by farm animals. (Also see range.)
Method of maintaining vegetative growth and animal health by planned movement of animals from one area to another.
Support consisting of a branch or rod that serves as a resting place for birds.
Categories of toxic chemicals including herbicides, fungides, insecticides and rodenticides.