A young sheep, or the process of a ewe giving birth to lambs.
A young sheep, or the process of a ewe giving birth to lambs.
A young goat.
Bedding for livestock, or the reference to a group of animals born to a female at one time.
Restraining live poultry at the slaughterhouse by suspending them upside down by their legs from metal hangers.
The removal of fleece from a sheep.
Something that gives animals protection either via natural features such as trees or artificial structures like buildings or shades, however, it will not necessarily provide the same level of protection…
Causing the death of animals.
An adult female pig that has produced at least one litter.
The process of removing the ovaries of a female animal to prevent her from breeding. This practice is prohibited under AGW standards.
(production system) A farming system that promotes some of its same species animal products under a certified system/label or by its own claims, while raising the remainder of its same…