A bovine animal. Those kept primarily for meat are called "beef cattle" while the animals kept primarily for producing milk are called "dairy cattle."
A bovine animal. Those kept primarily for meat are called "beef cattle" while the animals kept primarily for producing milk are called "dairy cattle."
A newly hatched chicken.
Walkway designed for moving or loading animals.
Conditions when animal comfort cannot be maintained by provision of suitable housing, shelter and/or bedding. AWA standards require the provision of heat in these circumstances.
Individual birds of the same species living closely together. Within a larger flock there can be small groups.
The milk produced by female mammals in the first days after giving birth. This milk has a higher fat content than normal milk and is particularly rich in proteins and…
Conforming to requirements or standards.
A cone shaped restraining tool into which poultry can be placed immediately prior to stunning and slaughter to keep them still.
An organization formed by a group of farmers to achieve some or all of the advantages of large-scale marketing, purchasing and education. (agricultural)
The dried remains of leaves and stalks after harvesting maize.