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All Hands On Deck

All Hands On Deck

We know that everyone will be impacted by COVID-19. Many will lose their lives; many more will suffer personal and financial hardships. As this unfolds, it is impossible to predict…

Heavy Metals

Toxic metals including lead, mercury, cadmium, and chromium. The metals iron, copper, zinc, aluminum, beryllium, cobalt, manganese and arsenic are also considered heavy metals by AGW.

Agricultural land

Land used for agricultural production, whether crops or livestock.

Glue boards

A tray or board coated in a sticky adhesive that captures and immobilizes rodents on contact.

High welfare practices

Practices to ensure that animals can exhibit their natural behaviors; have suitable feed and water; are not subject to discomfort, pain, injury and disease and are not subject to fear…

Leg hold trap

A trap with a mechanism that catches and holds an animal by its legs.

Predator control

The act of removing, excluding or euthanizing wildlife that are or could be in conflict with farm or ranch livestock.

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